"Let it signify a realisation of all things i've wished for."
I'm waiting for you happiness. I'm still waiting. I smile. I'll know who i am. I love the people around me. I'll stay grounded. I'll go alongside with nature. I believe and i feel. So, don't stay too far away from me.
I've said honesty is always the best policy. But now, it seems as though honesty is only the best policy when used appropriately. People just want to impress others by trying to show all the good sides and covering up all the flaws. Humanity is characterised in a way, how could i complain. Let's face it, it's a harsh world out there. Frequently, we are just not so honest to tell the truth. To protect ourselves, or others. By telling a different story, are you comfortable to live in lies? After all, you tell the truth, you endanger yourself in a position where others may get rid of you. Inviting trouble maybe?
Take it, this is me, as it is. You can decipher for yourself.
I want to live honestly, really.